Be sure to make it Mass on January 1. It's a Holy Day of Obligation for the Universal Church. Don't just drag yourself to Mass because you are "obliged" to, go with joyful anticipation to celebrate this great feast with the angels and the saints. The traditional calendar celebrates the Octave Day of the Nativity, and the new calendar, the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Even though there are different feasts being celebrated in the new and traditional calendars, any valid Catholic Mass will fulfill your obligation to attend Mass this day. Just remember to treat the remainder of the day as you would a Sunday; it is a holy day.
Happy new Year mayd you have a Christ filled New Year.
Happy New Year to you!
Went to the EF Mass that our parish celebrates at 12:30, and then hung out with the queen of the house.
After all, last night was a night of heavy drinking--I had a beer.
And we've missed you here in the Digital Church!
May blessings be upon you in this new year. I went to the EF Mass today
A Happy & Healthy New Year to you!!!!
Very Happy New Year!
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