Alarm bells go off in my head when I look at a parish website like this one. This couldn't be a Mass, could it, with a woman up there preaching to the congregation? And just what are those rocks doing in the middle of the floor? I noticed they don't teach catechism, but they are big on faith formation, ecumenism and interreligious dialogue.
Oh, well, at least they have a crucifix.
From their website:
"The Ecumenical and Interfaith Commission works to help the parish pro actively collaborate with other faith traditions in prayer and action.
Commission members support Associated Ministries and its projects and are active in the Interreligious Roundtable, also sponsored by Associated Ministries. Members explore the ecumenical and interfaith activities of other congregations. They work to remind homilists at St. Leo to include ecumenical and interfaith concerns in the Prayers of the Faithful and provide educational opportunities for parishioners."
So in newchurch, that which was once absoltely forbidden, or only permitted with permission and on the understanding that such behaviour presented a clear danger to all but the most holy souls, is not actively encouraged. The one Church, er "congregation" is now just one of many as they "explore the ecumenical and interfaith activities of other congregations..."
Of course they'll deny that is what they mean...they always do.
anathema, anathema, anathema.
You sure that's a Catholic church? Not a kneeler anywhere, as far as the eye can see. I guess those rocks are supposed to be part of a baptismal jacuzzi.
Oh, Anita, now I have this image burned into my mind of a church that allows jacuzzi parties! Thanks!! It's going to stay with me forever, now.
I meant "is NOW actively encouraged."
Reckon theres a few Koi Carp in there myself.
I love the way the man on the right has his legs crossed...
"Dry sherry Maude?"
"Don't mind if I do Reginald: try a water biscuit and a touch of Stilton?"
"Most gracious of you Maude: who is this man, he does go on..."
"This is a Catholic Church Reg."
"Well I never! Blow me, I thought we were just waiting for the Balinese Goddess of Plenty and her vibrating dancing girls."
"NO Reg, that shows at the Cathedral, later."
"Oh, sorry Maude...look, that ones sticking his little head out of the water."
"Pay attention Reginald, they're passing the basket of chicken fingers round I think."
Looking through their site I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when I read this page.
“Adult Scripture Study/Reflection is a small, informal group that meets weekly [...] This year the group will be studying diverse approaches to praying with the scriptures. Bring a bible if you have one.”
Aye Carumba! Bring a Bible if you one? I guess I shouldn't be too surprised by this but it does sadden me to think there are many of our Catholic brothers and sisters who have never opened their Bibles let alone read, studied and prayed holy scripture.
Randy, we do get readings at every Holy Mass and while this is not an excuse for not having a Bible in one's home, it may actually be a hint that they will provide one.
They would flip out when I got there with my Douay-Rheims Bible!
i don't know about Saint Leo, but i think Pope Saint X and Leo XIII would disapporove and probably be heartbroken.
oops!!that was supposed to read, Pope Saint Pius X!! stupid me!!
"The Ecumenical and Interfaith Commission works to help the parish pro actively collaborate with other faith traditions in prayer and action.
Commission members support Associated Ministries and its projects and are active in the Interreligious Roundtable, also sponsored by Associated Ministries. Members explore the ecumenical and interfaith activities of other congregations. They work to remind homilists at St. Leo to include ecumenical and interfaith concerns in the Prayers of the Faithful and provide educational opportunities for parishioners."
You know something unsavory is at work among people who can't talk plain English.
The one who'd really have a fit is St. Ignatius. I can't imagine him being pleased at being blamed for their "spirituality".
"You know something unsavory is at work among people who can't talk plain English."
LOL...that's one of the first things that got me thinking when I was received into the Church, they're worse than my law professors, they sound like my English professors in graduate school, all "mapping the female body in revenge tragedies" etc.
hold on...I'm having a Captain Caveman moment..arghhhhhhhhhhhh.
Except for the Christ Crucified Crucifix, it looks like Luther's "Reform Of The Mass" Mass:
In effect, Luther celebrated the 1st Novus Ordo" Mass, upon his break from Authority.
It looks like 'Wreckovationist Nirvana':
It's as if The Jesuits are a 5th Column & NOT the 1st Line of Defence of The Church, especially in this case.
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