Monday, March 19, 2007

Hans Kung on Benedict XVI

Whoever would of thought that Joseph Ratzinger, now beloved Pope Benedict XVI, used to be friends with Hans Kung, dissident and heretic extraordinaire?

According to this article, they were friends before Hans Kung totally flipped his lid and started espousing the heretical teachings that got him stripped of his license to teach as a Roman Catholic theologian. Kung complains that Ratzinger got more and more conservative, embracing medieval ideas like the rejection of relativism, upholding rules on priestly celibacy and no communion for divorced Catholics, while calling for more Latin in the Mass and even Gregorian chants.

In contrast, Kung says, we should be asking: "What would Jesus do if he were Pope? I can't believe He would forbid the (birth control) pill today, or the ordination of women."

Yup, I can easily see how they went their separate ways.

It's too bad, though that Kung remains a Catholic priest. Can you imagine how many souls he has filled with the poison that will drag them down to hell?

1 comment:

VidiAquam said...

Its typical of the modern Church, that this Priest has not been excommunicated yet or 'de-frocked'.