Saturday, April 21, 2007

Canadian Fun...or, Making Fun of Canadians...

Here's proof positive that Canadians know how to laugh at themselves! Watch this little video from You Tube for a good laugh! Oh, Canadians don't really pronounce about as "aboot" (unless of course you hail from Newfoundland)!

For some reason, You Tube videos aren't showing up on my blog anymore, so I've gone with the external link. Has anyone else had this happen to them?


Anonymous said...

i guess i have no sense of humour because i didn't find that video funny at all.

paramedicgirl said...

Well, Marilena, I find it hilarious! But I've always been good at at laughing at myself. Everyone I have shown it to has gotten a laugh out of it, too. And they are all Canadians.

Anonymous said...

well, call me grouchosaurus:) i guess.

Simon-Peter Vickers-Buckley said...

Well, it was okay I guess. A little tame though...

I was expecting something about Quebeccers taking over I-95 down here. Je me souviens eh? You damn well can't remember which way is north and what the speed limit is can you?