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Has anyone ever encountered this before, or does anyone know how to solve it?
What you posted looks Italian so I'll assume that language for the following. Is the user:
1. in Italy,
2. connecting to the internet in Italy (or via an internet proxy in Italy),
3. using a browser that is set to Italian for it's default language?
This is probably happening for one of the following reasons: the computer is identifying its user as speaking Italian (option 3) or connecting from an access point which the blogspot servers infer as being a place where it's appropriate to speak Italian (options 1 or 2).
If none of the above does any good for trouble-shooting, then maybe the computer is infected. Time to either re-install or buy a Mac. :-)
Paramedicgirl..I figured it out..since we both thought it was my computer..I went to internet options and clicked on languages..Along with English I also had Italian. I removed Italian, everything is fine now..Thanks :)
sounds to me like she signed up on a blog or perhaps her windows reads in a foreign languge. i'll ask frank about it.
So Parvenu was right! Thanks! I'm looking forward to finally getting your comments, Maureen.
Oh, and you'd think with an Italian last name I would recognize Italian, but not so!
Didn't anyone get the memo on this? The Lair of the Catholic Cavemen has gone politically correct.
From now on you have to press "1" for English.
Vir, that would be the day! Hell would definitely freeze over before you went PC!
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