Today is the first Friday of September, and I'm planning on attending the Holy Hour and devotions at my church. I've never been able to complete the Nine First Fridays, as something (like an ambulance call) always comes up. The devotion was first made popular by St Margaret Mary Alacoque, and here is her profile from EWTN. When I read the promises that Jesus made to those who carry on this devotion, I wonder how I can possibly put anything else above this devotion, but life happens, and it's actually not easy in our busy world to complete the nine First Fridays. Today, I will make another attempt.
The Promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
2. "I will establish peace in their homes."
3. "I will comfort them in their afflictions."
4. "I will be their secure refuge during life, and above all in death."
5. "I will bestow a large blessing upon all their undertakings."
6. "Sinners shall find in My Heart the source and the infinite ocean of mercy."
7. "Tepid souls shall grow fervent."
8. "Fervent souls shall quickly mount to high perfection."
9. "I will bless every place where a picture of My Heart shall be set up and honored."
10. "I will give to priests the gift of touching the most hardened hearts."
11. "Those who shall promote this devotion shall have their names written in My Heart, never to be blotted out."
12. "I promise thee in the excessive mercy of My Heart that My all-powerful love will grant to all those who communicate on the First Friday in nine consecutive months, the grace of final penitence; they shall not die in My disgrace nor without receiving the Sacraments; My Divine heart shall be their safe refuge in this last moment."
going to call saint anthony's and ask them if they have first friday's.
linked this to my blog:)
Best of luck in your attempt!
When I was a wee thing we went often to the First Friday Mass... I think we got up to eight months before, as you said, life happened. It's been happening since and I've never been able to complete the devotion, but God willing I'll be able to make it back again soon.
When my eldest was in elemantry school they did this...I wish they did this on the high school level as they did in the younger grades
I did seven in a row, and I missed the eighth one due to a family emergency. I've never made it close to eight ever since, but today i will try again, starting all over...
I've never been able to do it. However, since I'm planning to go to the seminary, I'm sure that I will have every opportunity to complete the nine months devotion. :)
Growing up in Ireland 50 years ago, the "First Fridays" were always emphasized, as was devotion to the Sacred Heart.
The standard announcement at Sunday Mass prior to the First Friday was: "Friday is the First Friday of the month. Masses will be at half past 6 and eight o'clock. The Mass at 8 o'clock will be for the people of the parish..."
You could walk into any Irish Catholic home (which was most of them!) and find - prominently displayed - a large picture of the Sacred Heart.
Given the materialism that has infected Ireland in recent decades due to the growing 'prosperity', I fear that this is no longer the case, unfortunately.
We need a return to such devotions. They were - and still are - a source of great comfort and exemplify a vibrant faith!
First Fridays have always been one of my favorite devotions for having worked afternoon shift most of my working life,I missed so many of the 'special' services, I tried to make that First Friday noon Mass and Adoration my special devotion.
First Friday's are now among my favourite devotions and my church does it well, also. Actually, I go for anything to do with the Sacred Heart- I love that devotion. My confessor unfailingly tells me "surrender yourself to the Sacred Heart". Works wonders.
That said, most of the promises so-called are either inferences or out-of-context. I feel that's a pity that they were invented in the first place. Why do we need falsified stuff for such a beautiful objective?
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