Monday, August 18, 2008

The Road to Hell

When someone left a comment on a recent post, I was fascinated by its content. The comment was the story of St John Bosco's vision, The Road to Hell, and though it is too lengthy to reproduce here, I urge you to read it in its entirety.

Here is the beginning - it should be enough to capture your attention that you want to click on the link to read the rest.

I have another dream to tell you, a sort of aftermath of those I told you last Thursday and Friday which totally exhausted me. Call them dreams or whatever you like. Always, as you know, on the night of April 17 a frightful toad seemed bent on devouring me. When it finally vanished, a voice said to me: "Why don't you tell them?" I turned in that direction and saw a distinguished person standing by my bed. Feeling guilty about my silence, I asked: "What should I tell my boys?"

"What you have seen and heard in your last dreams and what you have wanted to know and shall have revealed to you tomorrow night!" He then vanished.

I spent the whole next day worrying about the miserable night in store for me, and when evening came, loath to go to bed, I sat at my desk browsing through books until midnight. The mere thought of having more nightmares thoroughly scare me. However, with great effort, I finally went to bed.

"Get up and follow me!" he said.

"For Heaven's sake," I protested, "leave me alone. I am exhausted! I've been tormented by a toothache for several days now and need rest. Besides, nightmares have completely worn me out." I said this because this man's apparition always means trouble, fatigue, and terror for me.

"Get up," he repeated. "You have no time to lose."

I complied and followed him. "Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"Never mind. You'll see." He led me to a vast, boundless plain, veritably a lifeless desert, with not a soul in sight or a tree or brook. Yellowed, dried-up vegetation added to the desolation I had no idea where I was or what was I to do. For a moment I even lost sight of my guide and feared that I was lost, utterly alone. Father Rua, Father Francesia, nowhere to be seen. When I finally saw my friend coming toward me, I sighed in relief.... read the rest here.


Michele said...

may i also recommend a great little booklet, hell and its torments by saint robert bellarmine. anyone who reads that booklet would do anything to avoid hell.

Shirley said...

Incredible vision. I wondered why God has led me to live in a town where the church is named for St. John Bosco- now I know.

paramedicgirl said...

Marilena do you have a copy? Maybe you can let me borrow it.

Michele said...

i do, and yes, you can borrow it, but the cost of me shipping it to you, you could buy it from tan for the same price:)