Friday, September 05, 2008

More on the Religion of Pieces

When I read stories like this one, where 5 women were buried alive in an "honour" killing in Pakistan just because they wanted to choose their own husbands, it makes me wonder if the left-leaning feminists who sit on our Human Rights Commissions will one day be flexible enough to kick themselves in their rear ends for advancing the agendas of minority groups at all costs. I'm just sayin' - it could soon happen here on the same scale.


Michele said...

there have been "honor" killings in canada. i believe one man killed his daughter not to long ago in canada because of the same thing. i will have to dig it up for you on the net. it wasn't long ago. but i can tell you, iam no feminist, but iam also not for arranged marriages either. i think it is a backwards practice and out of date with human rights. women don't have many rights in the world! while iam against abortion, iam not against women wanting to not be involved in arranged marriages. i believe women the world over have a right to say no. and alot of cultures don't care about that because they don't have basic human rights, and are stuck in the past. until their perceptions of women change, their vile practice of "honor" killing will never change. the men will go on doing what they see "fit". women in places like that will continue to be reduced to nothing but property and slaves. that sickens me.

Michael Leggett said...

Honour Killings?

One wonders about how great the Homosexual Influence is, in Islam

Smiley said...

that picture isn't India its looks more like Afghanistan.
It is terrible that the concept of arranged marriage has come down to such terrible dealings.
The norm for arranged marriages is that the parents know what is best for the child and being experienced in marriage they are in a better position to chose a spouse for the child (the parents is not bound up in the heady experience of falling in love and hence has a clearer view). (This is seen right through the bible and in Christendom 1050 to 1350 AD) The grown up child listens to the parents when seeking a spouse as they respect the experience of the parents.
At its worst the arranged marriage is a money grabbing status symbol where the child is auctioned off to the highest bidder.
I don't condemn arranged marriages, in fact if one looks at the history of marriage, one will see that arranged marriages are less prone to divorce than love marriages.
I do condemn over ambitious parents who put themselves before their children. This also applies to those parents who abdicate their responsibilities towards their children when they can see that their children are making the biggest mistake be falling in love and marrying the wrong people.

Smiley said...

Homosexuality and Islam is a thread in itself.

paramedicgirl said...

Smiley, I think the picture is of the Baluchistan province in Pakistan, actually. I did say India in the post, but I corrected it to Pakistan.

Joe of St. Thérèse said...

It's a sad day, let us pray for those heretics.

Tom in Vegas said...

When I was a child, i never feared the possibility of going to war with the Soviet Union because I knew they weren't completely crazy. On the other hand, places like Afghanistan, Iran, and Iraq seemed incredibly dark and dangerous to me.

These Islamic fundamentalist are beyond lunacy and, unfortunately, have to be prosecuted as part of the war on terror.

Michael Leggett said...

One has to wonder what Mohammed was sipping when he claimed that The Angel Gabriel was appearing to him, to bring forth a New Religion?

Something tells me that he was sipping too much Fluoridated Water:

Will the BC HRC be seeking me out, soon?

Simplex Vir said...

You know that this is not a religion of peace simply because these fools consider their "honor" to me improved by such action. A true religion of peace would be far too humble to kill in order to regain something as prideful as honor.


paramedicgirl said...

Simplex, you're right, they just don't get it. Pride is one of the deadliest sins. It even makes them kill their own daughters.

BTW, I refuse to use the term "religion of peace" hence the more accurate term "religion of pieces."

Smiley said...

Assassin comes from the word Hassahin which is form the word Hashish. That part of the world has some of the most insane drugs ever. So now you know who was smoking what when they thought they saw archangels.

paramedicgirl said...

So now you know who was smoking what when they thought they saw archangels.
LOL! You are probably right.

Joe of St. Thérèse said...

LOL, the real history has been revealed. that false prophet was on the logic all makes sense for them.