Thursday, August 19, 2010

Getting Organized

Every year, I order a calendar and daily planner from Tan Publishers. It's a great tool, and I use it to record all my activities. It really keeps me organized! Here is the link for anyone who wants to order one - it has both the Novus Ordo and the Tridentine liturgical year over a 16 month period. I highly recommend it.

Each year, I order two and give one away. This year, instead of running a contest for the giveaway item, I am going to give it to my sister, Shirley, of the blog Seeking Jesus. She just got hired as parish secretary at her church, and I think she will need it!

I do hope to hold some contests soon, and I am also going to start up the Who Said It and the Who am I games again. It's good to be back!


Shirley said...

Wow! Thank you very much- you are right, I will need it. I'm going camping this weekend so I'll be AWOL from blog land, but when I get back I'll do a post on my new job.

Michele said...

that was wonderful of you sis! :) praise God! :)

Anita Moore said...

Now that's something I need. I feel really schizophrenic switching back and forth between calendars. That is something that the Reform of the Reform has got to tackle: putting the whole Church back on one calendar. (Preferably the old one, with, of course, necessary additions of new saints: there was too much evisceration done with the new calendar.)

Thanx for the tip!