Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Power of Sacramentals

In the summer of 2003, four men, (two of whom I know) were sitting in the forest after a hard day's work logging. They cracked open some beer, and kicked back to relax and enjoy themselves. The sun was very hot, so they had all removed their shirts. One of the older men was wearing a brown scapular with a miraculous medal attached to it, and it drew the interest of a younger man.

The young man was curious, and asked if he could try it on. He was told that it was a sacramental of the Church, that it was a visible sign of the blessing and intercession of the Church, and that by this use, the benediction of Almighty God is invoked on persons who wear it. He instructed his friend that Our Lord had sanctioned the use of sacramentals when He blessed the loaves and fishes, the young children, and the Apostles before the Ascension.

Now, the young man was really interested, and again asked if he could try it on. He placed the brown scapular and miraculous medal around his neck, and within a few minutes, he broke out into a sweat. His heart started pounding, and he began clawing at his chest, grabbing wildly at the scapular and screaming that it was burning him and for the others to get it off of him.

The scapular and medal were removed from him, and the young man told the others that he had sold his soul to the devil, and he was convinced the devil was attacking him while wearing the scapular.

My brother told me this story. He was there that day. He was the older man who owned the scapular and medal, and the one who placed it on the younger man's chest.


Anonymous said...

Very intersting story. Reminds of how powerfull the sacramentals are!

Shirley said...

I love this story. It leads me to believe how much his faith protected Joe in his life, and how glad I am that he was devoted to Mary. I'm sure that she protected him until he could make it all right with God.

Michele said...

joe told me this story also. and when he told me this as well, the hair on the back of my neck stood out big time. ( not because of the Sacramentals either but because of the person who tried on the Scapular)

Lynne said...

Ah, once again, I'm sorry for the loss of your brother.

I love sacramentals. I just bought the book by Ann Ball on them and am looking forward to reading it.

AquinaSavio said...


What ever happened to the younger man? Do you know?

paramedicgirl said...

Trev, the younger man, last I heard, had still not changed his life from one of debauchery and sin. I've lost track of him now.

Lisa said...

Wow. Scary and sad. It's interesting that someone who had sold his soul to the devil would want to try on a scapular. Maybe in mockery or ignorant curiosity? You can't help but wish that finding out the power of the sacramental to awaken such ire in the devil would have clued the young man toward a change of heart ~ and soul... Thanks for sharing this ~ I'm going to read it aloud to my older kids...